If you asked 1000 dogs if they think they need “dog training” or not what do you think they would say ?
I bet they wouldn’t even understand the question.
Training??? For what???? To be a dog ????
On this episode I want to bring to your attention before you start barking orders to your dog, if you get your head in the right place then, your life with your becomes a rewarding bounding experience for both you and your dog.
Stop having a confrontational battle where you human always have to win, but become “the trusted guide” for your dog to follow.
Doesn’t that sound much better to you?
Enjoy the episode.
Zen of Dog Ownership Podcast
by Dog Owners’ Academy
Be the owner your dog deserves ™
Got Show Suggestions?
email: Ideas@ZenOfDogOwnership.com
Turk Akbay @TurkAkbay
Jill Akbay @JillAkbay
Zen of Dog Ownership Podcast.
Is created, and curated exclusively for the people who want a deeper, more meaningful relationship with their dogs.
We bring you the real-life based information about being the owner your dog deserves
None of the show decisions are made based on paid promotions or kickbacks.
Opening Hours
M-Sa: 10am - 7pm
1111 Central Ave., Charlotte, NC 28204
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